Sep 19, 2023Liked by Susan Colleen Browne

Oh how I can relate to letting plants go! I have such a fall cleanup ahead of me. The flowers gone to seed and the great take over of the weeds! I also need to do some research on pruning fruit trees. Ours are two years old and starting to really take off.

Thank you for the book recommendation! I was just looking for something new to read and I think I shall give the one you mentioned a try.

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Sep 10, 2023Liked by Susan Colleen Browne

That yellow weed is St John's Wort, very good and strong anti depressant.

And wow, I am soo jealous of your blueberries!!

We had tons of strawberries, and this year we have a new variety which is still producing, it's supposed to keep going until frost.

Raspberries however are never enough, we still need more, although we already have 3 large-ish spots..

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Oct 5, 2023Liked by Susan Colleen Browne

Thanks for updating us on the bear. Your blueberry harvest is Ah-mazing! But I do agree that an unexpectedly bountiful harvest can be really stressful.

Like you, I let my plants flower for the pollinators, then go to seed for the birds. The bumbles who fall asleep on flowers are the cutest things.

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The Bronte Sisters showed up again win a film, "Emily" that I strongly recommend. The actress playing the Emily role had a brooding quality, quite intruiging. You and John would love it.

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An overabundance of blueberries. Talk about gifts! Problem is you need more help to harvest it all.

I remain quite awed at such a stunning outcome of your first efforts of gardening there in the woods.

Not sure about the bear wandering around--anywhere in the vicinity. How could you discourage it? Are there any herbs or anti-bear sprays that would discourage the bear's foraging at your place?

Your home looks beautiful with that cranberry color: so bright and attractive. That brings out the bees, as well. Your life with pollinators is worth another book! Bee stories are very popular these days.

Best of luck with all the harvesting. Sorry to hear about the nuts. Yes, net those trees and save those precious nuts.

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Thank you so much for identifying my mystery plant! It’s quite aromatic so I figured it wasn’t just your average pesky weed. How amazing, that you’ve got a strawberry variety bearing this late! When it’s time to replace some of my beds, I’ll be looking for some longer bearing ones myself.

Now *I’m* jealous of your raspberries! We used to have a nice patch, before the caterpillars got them 10 years ago. I’m looking forward to starting a new bed in the spring.

I’ve still got three loaded blueberry shrubs, so we have a couple more weeks of berries 😊

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I can't seem to download your newest writing. Can you help me? Thanks, Sue.

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